Sunday, December 7, 2014

Rayhart Complete Rebrand

ON2 Interactive rebranded Rayhart, a brilliant artist from Northern, VA. What we set out to do from the get go was to create a timeless, clean, fresh polished look and feel that represents Rayhart's work. Our first order of business was to tackle Rayhart's logo, our goal was to come up with something simple and balanced. After going through many font styles, we finally decided on Bangla Sangam MN with the first four characters in bold weight with Gray 600 color from Google Material Swatches. The last three characters which spells "art" in regular weight with color Orange 900.

As for color choices, we settled for a combination of Orange, Gray, Black and White.

Rayhart Responsive Website | Visit Site

Our next order of business was to redesign Rayhart's website. We built the site on-top of Foundation Framework a key decision we made when deciding which Framework to work with. Another key factor was to make the site responsive, Foundation provided this out of the box with other features such as FontAwesome Icons and so on. The site was designed to be extremely clean and easy to use with a simple mobile friendly navigation system that gets visitors in a click where they need to go on any device, mobile or desktop. Being a clean site allows Rayhart's work to show through without any distractions whatsoever. 

Rayhart's brand also includes a super clean business card design consistent with the same look and feel and a sample eBook available as a free download from his website.

ON2 Interactive is really pleased to work with Rayhart on this project, and will continue to support the project through its lifetime.

Visit Rayhart's Website to see his amazing work... Have a project that needs a fresh look? Let's Talk!

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